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Titelbild für Infoseite “Hochschulwechsel”: Zwei Studentinnen sitzen draußen und schauen gemeinsam auf ein Smartphone
Titelbild für Infoseite “Hochschulwechsel”: Zwei Studentinnen sitzen draußen und schauen gemeinsam auf ein Smartphone

Change of university Do you want to switch to IU? This is how it works!

New University. Same subject. There are a few things you need to keep in mind in order to seamlessly build on the achievements you have already made. Then your transfer to IU International University of Applied Sciences will be easy.  

Your university transfer to IU

You have already studied at a University and would like to transfer to IU? That's possible! The procedure is adapted to your individual situation and wishes. Here you will find all the important information about your change of University. 

Studentin mit Laptop und Kopfhörer in Bibliothek

Reasons for changing university

Sometimes plans change. This is also reflected in your learning needs. There are many different reasons for changing Universities. Have you moved to a foreign city and are homesick? Or do you have a new centre of life in another city (e.g. due to a partner and family)? 

In addition to these personal reasons, there are also financial reasons that can speak in favour of starting at another University. These include lower living costs or better job prospects. Or you simply want to study with a different focus and in a different study format. No matter what your reason is, you can follow your study path at IU.  

Studying at IU International University of Applied Sciences

Would you like to determine your studies yourself? Then IU is just right for you! We offer you a study programme with simple structures and a lot of freedom to organise your everyday study life. You study the way you want to!  


A few of the benefits we offer you are:

No Numerus Clausus

Your motivation counts. With us, you can start your dream degree programme without NC and entrance exams.


We offer you a state-recognised degree programme in the subject of your choice. At the top level.

100% Flexibility

Night owl or rather early bird? No matter what your daily rhythm is, your studies at IU adapt to your everyday life.

Innovative learning

With the online campus and the learning app IU Learn, you have access to scripts, learning videos or interactive quizzes. So you can learn where and when you want.

No exam stress

You choose when and where you want to write your exams! Either as a convenient online exam around the clock or as a face-to-face exam near you.


Deepen your knowledge in exchange with experienced lecturers in virtual courses. You can exchange information with your fellow students and the study coaches via our online network.
Are you ready to start your studies?

Then you can easily submit your online application here.  

How does a change of university work?

Studierende am Campus-Eingang

In principle, you can complete your Bachelor's or Master's degree at IU after changing universities. For example, if you have dropped out of your studies at another University or college. This is also possible if you were exmatriculated there. 

If you meet all the requirements, you can easily select the degree programme you want in your online application. It is best to contact our student advisory service as early as possible. We will advise you on your personal situation and help you get everything started.  

Recognition of your previous achievements

Another advantage of IU: your previous experience counts! You can have courses and ETCS credits you have already completed credited to you. This not only shortens your studies, but also saves you money: 30 € per recognised ECTS credit! Our colleagues from the student advisory service will be happy to help you find out what you can have credited to you and answer any questions you may have.  

Learn more

Your study financing

How you finance your studies is an important question. That's why you should also think about your expenses when you change universities: how much will the move cost? The new flat? Do you have other financial obligations? 

As a rule, you can continue to obtain private student loans without any problems. Do you receive support from the state? Even with state loans such as BAföG, a change of University has no effect. You just have to make sure that you graduate within the standard period of study. If you have any questions about your individual financing, our student advisory service will help you.  

Learn more
Request free study brochure

What you get for free

  • Information on study content & electives

  • Information on career prospects

  • Information on financing options

Do you still have questions?

Our free student advisory service has all the answers for you! We take the time to advise you individually and without obligation.

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IU Internationale Hochschule ist seit 1999 eine staatlich anerkannte HochschuleIU Internationale Hochschule ist vom Wissenschaftsrat akkreditiertIU Internationale Hochschule ist zugelassen für FernunterrichtIU Internationale Hochschule erhält beim StudyCheck-Award 2023 die Auszeichnung „Top Hochschule in Deutschland“