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Titelbild für Infoseite “Bachelor Betriebswirtschaftslehre”: Zwei Studentinnen mit Laptop und Tablet
Bachelors's degree
Titelbild für Infoseite “Bachelor Betriebswirtschaftslehre”: Zwei Studentinnen mit Laptop und Tablet
I think economically.

Bachelor Betriebswirtschaftslehre*

*Translated: Business Administration. Only available in German

Business Administration – sets an important milestone for a professional career as a generalist in the field of business administration. 

# Distance learning # myStudium # Dual studies

Language : German

Business Administration Studies - Your career springboard forvarious industries.

Companies need generalists like you: people who study business administration and then skilfully implement economic goals, demonstrate analytical skills and at the same time keep an eye on the big picture. With your Business Administration degree at IU International University of Applied Sciences, you'll get yourself ready for the economics of the future. Studying business administration at IU means starting your career as a comprehensively trained business economist in various industries. 

Do you want to know more?

In our free and non-binding information material you will find out everything about:

  • Content of your studies

  • Admission and application

  • Prices in detail

Request study brochure

Your career opportunities. Future-oriented.

Your studies in Business Administration are opening a whole new range of opportunities for you and your career. Be ready to make an impact and to work in an industry as diverse as your learned skills.

Karrieremöglichkeit “Projektmanager:in”: Team arbeitet an einem Projektplan

Project Manager

As a project manager, you oversee all the parts that work together in a company project. You lead, organise, pay attention to the budget, and keep an eye on the big picture. You are also responsible for the planning, implementation, approval, and follow-up of projects. Such projects could be, for example, a product kick-off, a website launch, or the restructuring in the company. The job focuses on coordinating and delegating the relevant tasks as well as being the contact person for anyone involved in the project.   


Choose how you want to study Business Administration at IU

You can study your Bachelor of Business Administration in various forms. It all depends on what your individual everyday life looks like and what requirements you start your studies with. This will give you a good overview of the advantages of the different study forms and which model will best support you personally on your way. 

Fernstudium an der IU Internationale Hochschule: Studentin in der Bibliothek

Distance Learning

For maximum freedom - study 100% flexible

You study completely on your own terms. Get the perfect blend of innovative study tools, interactive study formats via video chat (live or on demand) and personal support.

Duales Studium an der IU Internationale Hochschule: Studentin am Campus

Dual Studies

Studies or work experience? Why not both?
You will study in person or virtually and learn how to put your knowledge into practice during your practical phases in a company. The perfect mix of theory and practical experience, tailored exactly to you and your needs.

myStudium an der IU Internationale Hochschule: Student am Campus


Study the way you want after graduating from high school. Campus or online classes – you decide. 

Learn on campus during the day or virtually from anywhere, exchange ideas with professors and fellow students and deepen your knowledge on our digital platform. This way you will benefit from the perfect mix of classic student life and flexible online studies!

Request free study brochure

What you get for free

  • Information on study content & electives

  • Information on career prospects

  • Information on financing options


The most important questions about studying business administration


Your personal contact

Our free student advisory service will gladly help you find your optimal study programme.  


Why you should study business administration

Studying a degree can be worthwhile for you if you are simply interested in a specific subject. But beyond that, a degree can be important for your career path. It will open up many career opportunities for you. The demand for highly qualified workers continues to grow and university graduates often earn more. Apart from that, you will expand your own horizons and invest in your own education with the specialist knowledge and soft skills you’ll acquire; and that is of enormous importance in times of lifelong learning

This is what your business administration studies at IU look like

With a degree in Business Administration, all options will be open to you. Instead of specialising in just one area, you can train to become a versatile business administration professional. You will be taught a broad range of specialised knowledge in the areas of purchasing, logistics, marketing and human resources. Our lecturers will also specifically train your management skills and leadership qualities. In addition to our scientifically sound and practice-oriented education, you will also be taught social skills and interdisciplinary qualifications in our Business Administration degree. As a result, our modular study programme not only covers the fundamentals, but also offers you a variety of opportunities to further deepen your personal interests.  

A look into the future: what you will be able to do after graduating

Business Administration graduates are wanted everywhere: in logistics, marketing, e-commerce, industry, financial services and so on. There is virtually no industry in which you won’t be able to find a job with your Bachelor of Business Administration. This will make your job prospects ideal and future-proof, as business administration graduates are needed in every company. Which career path you choose depends on the focus you set during your studies and what you want to specialise in.  

Awards, accreditations and certifications

IU Internationale Hochschule ist seit 1999 eine staatlich anerkannte HochschuleIU Internationale Hochschule ist vom Wissenschaftsrat akkreditiertIU Internationale Hochschule ist zugelassen für FernunterrichtIU Internationale Hochschule erhält beim StudyCheck-Award 2023 die Auszeichnung „Top Hochschule in Deutschland“