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Titelbild für Infoseite “Bachelor Growth Hacking”: Growth Hacking Studentin arbeitet mit Kollegen in Agentur
Bachelor's degree
Titelbild für Infoseite “Bachelor Growth Hacking”: Growth Hacking Studentin arbeitet mit Kollegen in Agentur
I grow beyond my own limits.

Bachelor Growth Hacking (B.A.)

Bring growth into business. In your Growth Hacking degree you will learn how to implement marketing success with maximum cost efficiency. 

# Distance learning

Language : German

Your growth strategy. For digital marketing. Your Bachelor Growth Hacking.

Mega budgets are not always available for marketing. Growing quickly with limited resources - that is often the challenge for companies. This requires clever online marketing that builds and maintains an active user base, promotes products and generates leads. With your Growth Hacking degree at the International University of Applied Sciences (IU), you are fully focused on the growth marketing of the future.  

Do you want to know more?

In our free and non-binding information material you will find out everything about:

  • Content of your studies

  • Admission and application

  • Prices in detail

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Your career. Your digital growth.

Cost-efficient digital business models are not only attractive for start-ups, but for all companies that want - or need - to achieve a lot with a small budget. With your Bachelor Growth Hacking you will find exciting roles in online marketing, data analysis, product management and IT. For example as: 

Growth Manager

You will be mainly responsible for digital performance marketing - and corresponding growth strategies. You will have web presences, platforms, online shops and apps under your control and develop them conceptually and strategically. You will control acquisition and retargeting campaigns in a focused way. New assets for different channels? No problem for you either. You will be the first contact person for the newest trends in product and online marketing. 


Choose how you want to study Growth Hacking at IU

You can complete your Growth Hacking Bachelor's degree at IU by distance learning. Here you can find out how your studies at IU work and what your advantages are in the distance learning study model. 

Fernstudium an der IU Internationale Hochschule: Studentin in der Bibliothek

Distance Learning

For maximum freedom - study 100% flexible

You study completely on your own terms. Get the perfect blend of innovative study tools, interactive study formats via video chat (live or on demand) and personal support.

Request free study brochure

What you get for free

  • Information on study content & electives

  • Information on career prospects

  • Information on financing options


The most important questions about studying Growth Hacking


Your personal contact

Our free student advisory service will gladly help you find your optimal study programme.  


Why you should study Growth Hacking  

Digitalisation is advancing inexorably in many areas and changing the way companies market their products and services. This is especially true for start-up marketing. This is exactly why your Growth Hacking studies are relevant right now. The degree prepares you for the marketing challenges of the present and future and optimises your career options. After your Bachelor's degree in Growth Hacking, you will have the opportunity to take on more exciting positions and rise to higher levels.  

If that's not enough, here's another reason: studying is fun. Especially because you deal with the topics that interest you. At IU, you might enjoy studying a little more than at another university or college - because here you invest in yourself in a self-determined way under the aspect of lifelong learning.  

Your IU Studies in Growth Hacking  

Your Bachelor's degree programme goes far beyond pure online marketing skills. You can combine IT strategies and product management into a successful marketing mix. You will learn how to set up digital business models and implement them in practice. In order to do this, you will acquire a profound knowledge of business administration plus your know-how in online marketing, social media marketing and search engine marketing (SEO/SEA). You know how to manage digital and mobile campaigns. And with clear targeting in order to address the target group as cost-effectively as possible. Data-driven marketing, web analytics and controlling tools help you to analyse consumer behaviour even more closely and to use them specifically for product management. You will also familiarise yourself with media law and the basics of web programming.  

Deepen your knowledge with electives such as content marketing, storytelling, influencer marketing or social selling. And so that you can implement all of this confidently, you will gain valuable insights into collaborative working and acquire intercultural and ethical skills. When? Whenever you want to make time in your life for your studies. At IU you learn in a self-determined way.  

A look into the future: what you will do after graduation  

Cost-efficient digital business models are not only attractive for start-ups, but for all companies that want - or need - to achieve a lot with a small budget. With your Growth Hacking studies, you will find exciting tasks in online marketing, data analysis, product management and IT.  

Awards, accreditations and certifications

IU Internationale Hochschule ist seit 1999 eine staatlich anerkannte HochschuleIU Internationale Hochschule ist vom Wissenschaftsrat akkreditiertIU Internationale Hochschule ist zugelassen für FernunterrichtIU Internationale Hochschule erhält beim StudyCheck-Award 2023 die Auszeichnung „Top Hochschule in Deutschland“