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Titelbild für Infoseite “Bachelor Public Management”: Public Managerin am Konferenztisch mit Kolleg:innen
Bachelor's degree
Titelbild für Infoseite “Bachelor Public Management”: Public Managerin am Konferenztisch mit Kolleg:innen
I play it safe.

Bachelor Public Management (B.A.)

You would absolutely like to study Public Management because you do not want to leave anything to chance in your life. With pleasure! 

# Distance learning

Language : German

Make your engagement official. Study Public Management.

You want job security. Without sitting on a boring and lost post. One thing is for sure: administrative and civil service jobs in the public sector are more diverse and exciting than their reputation. With your Public Management studies at the IU International University of Applied Sciences (IU), you can help shape the fundamental structural change of state institutions. And take on new challenges in public administration. 

Please note: The final decision on admission to the administrative service is the responsibility of the respective authority and depends, among other things, on the requirements of the respective federal state. Against this background, the IU expressly recommends that prospective students obtain comprehensive information about the requirements for their intended career before embarking on a degree programme.

Do you want to know more?

In our free and non-binding information material you will find out everything about:

  • Content of your studies

  • Admission and application

  • Prices in detail

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Your career opportunities. Safety first.

The public sector offers you the necessary security, a diverse range of tasks, and attractive opportunities for advancement.

After graduating, you will find exciting career opportunities as a professional in...

Mann und Frau arbeiten vor Laptop

Federal Ministries

Want to work on issues like economics and energy, labour and social affairs, or education and research? Germany has numerous ministries that take care of citizens' concerns in various areas. Your degree qualifies you to take on responsible tasks in your desired ministry..


Choose how you want to study Public Management at IU

You can complete your Bachelor's degree in Public Management at IU by distance learning. Here you can find out how your studies at IU work and what your advantages are in the distance learning study model.   

Fernstudium an der IU Internationale Hochschule: Studentin in der Bibliothek

Distance Learning

For maximum freedom - study 100% flexible

You study completely on your own terms. Get the perfect blend of innovative study tools, interactive study formats via video chat (live or on demand) and personal support.

Request free study brochure

What you get for free

Information material

  • Information on study content & electives

  • Career prospects

  • Information on financing options


The most important questions about studying Public Management


Your personal contact

Our free student advisory service will gladly help you find your optimal study programme.  


Why you should study Public Management  

With a Bachelor's degree in Public Management, you can find your place in public administration or support companies that work with government institutions. This gives you extremely secure job prospects. If you take up a position in administrative authorities, you will be paid according to the collective agreement.  

Studying Public Management should also give you pleasure, because it feels good to discover new things and develop your skills. Studying at IU by distance learning is particularly convenient, because you can study independently of time and place

Your IU studies in Public Management 

In your Bachelor's degree programme in Public Management, you will deal with current topics such as the digitalisation of public authorities and processes. You will also gain comprehensive basic knowledge in Law and Economics. In addition to extensive management knowledge, your soft skills will also be trained. Furthermore, current topics such as E-Government, Data Protection and IT Security are on your curriculum. And if you want to deepen your knowledge, you can specialise in Immigration Law, Digital HR, Change Management or Social Psychology. You learn all this and a bit more at your own pace. You play a decisive role in shaping your distance learning programme at IU. 

A look into the future: what you'll do after graduation 

The public sector offers you security, a varied range of tasks and attractive career opportunities. Among other things, you have the opportunity to work in a federal ministry or in associations. Your skills will also be well received in public sector companies. If you want to take on higher management positions, you can follow up your Bachelor's degree in Public Management with a corresponding Master's programme at IU. 

Awards, accreditations and certifications

IU Internationale Hochschule ist seit 1999 eine staatlich anerkannte HochschuleIU Internationale Hochschule ist vom Wissenschaftsrat akkreditiertIU Internationale Hochschule ist zugelassen für FernunterrichtIU Internationale Hochschule erhält beim StudyCheck-Award 2023 die Auszeichnung „Top Hochschule in Deutschland“