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Distance Learning

Benefits of distance learning Live your master plan

Start your studies. Get your discount. Shape your future.

Apply by March 31st using the code SPRING25 to get a 1.444€ discount and a free iPad.

Study whenever, wherever and however you want

Your life is unique – just like your educational path and the goals you want to reach. As the largest private university of applied sciences for distance learning, we offer you a study programme perfectly in line with you and your needs – in any situation. Our digital campus as well as your personal AI study buddy Syntea help you study independently, innovatively and practically – thanks to many advantages such as flexible time models, smart tools for any study type and personal support.

On your own terms: At IU, you study according to your rhythm

Study flexibly

In IU distance learning, your lecture hall is always where you are – no matter whether you’re on your way to work or chilling at the beach with your family. You can even sit your exams online – 24/7 on 365 days a year – or on location, if you like.

Study innovatively

Through our online campus and your personal AI learning assistant Syntea, innovative and interactive digital learning tools are available to you at any time. They allow for maximum flexibility – whether you’re studying alone or with others, with a script or digitally, day or night.

Keep in touch

If you want, you can deepen your knowledge by talking to experienced lecturers in virtual classes – live or on demand. In addition, our online network allows you to connect with your fellow students as well as your study and career coaches.

Test 1 month free of charge

You can try out your study programme for four weeks – no commitment. The fees for this period only apply if you decide to continue your studies with us. Simply register online for your desired programme.

A study programme to suit your life

No matter whether you’re a family person, working full time or always on the road: IU distance learning let you realise that dream of a degree. How? By letting you decide when, where and how you study.

Busy at work?

No problem! IU lets you determine your own study load – without fixed lecture times or exam times.

Kids keeping you busy?

You can still do it! Our flexible full- and part-time models allow you to schedule your courses according to your own needs.

On the road a lot?

Benefit from study tools you can integrate into your daily life and use anywhere and anytime.

It's a challenge?

No matter who you are and what you have to accomplish in life: We support you in it.

Your study programme gets you ahead

New challenge

You qualify for new (more exciting) tasks, vocational fields or industries.


You have higher chances of getting a promotion and can take on more management responsibility.

Higher salary

You benefit from a chance at lucrative pay raises in your old or new job.

Increase your market value

During your distance learning, you develop valuable skills that prepare you for your career. Our graduates are living proof of this: 71,1% of them agree that they were able to develop personally through their distance learning. 62,2% were able to significantly increase their chances on the job market, 40% got a raise and about a third was successful in changing jobs.*

*Source: Graduate survey June 2021

So frei gestalten unsere Studis ihren Lernalltag

Stefanie, Bachelor Wirtschaftsinformatik
  • Absolviert ihr Fernstudium in Vollzeit 

  • Ist „Women in Tech”-Stipendiatin der IU 

  • Schätzt die Bandbreite der Lernunterlagen sowie die persönliche Betreuung 

„Ich finde es großartig, wie direkt man mit Tutor:innen und Coaches in Verbindung steht und wie viel Unterstützung man an die Hand bekommt.” 

Thomas, Bachelor Soziale Arbeit
  • Absolviert seinen Bachelor im Teilzeitmodell 

  • Ist vierfacher Familienvater und ehemaliger Feuerwehrmann 

  • Hat sich durch das Fernstudium den beruflichen Neustart ermöglicht 

„Ich habe kein Abitur und noch nie studiert, darum habe ich die Studienzulassung über meine Ausbildung und Berufserfahrung erworben.” 

Rita, Master IT-Management
  • Hat bereits ihren BWL-Bachelor neben dem Beruf an der IU absolviert 

  • Ist Lead in der Logistikbranche und Professional Success Award-Gewinnerin der IU 

  • Schätzt als alleinerziehende Mutter und Karrierefrau die Flexibilität des Fernstudiums   

„Das Fernstudium-Konzept der IU war wie für mich geschaffen: Lernen wann, wo und wie ich wollte. Keine festen Zeiten, die Prüfungen flexibel und überall Standorte zum Ablegen der Klausuren.” 

Vorteile Deines Fernstudiums im Überblick

100% flexibel

Jetzt bestimmst Du! Studiere völlig frei und unabhängig – neben Job, Familie oder privaten Projekten. 

Innovatives Lernerlebnis

Hol Dir den besten Mix aus digitalen Lerntools, virtuellen Live-Formaten und persönlicher Betreuung! 

Persönlich für Dich da

Egal, ob es um die Planung Deines Studiums oder Deine Prüfungsvorbereitung geht: Wir sind für Dich da! 

Anerkannt & Ausgezeichnet

Unsere Studienprogramme sind staatlich anerkannt, akkreditiert und mehrfach ausgezeichnet. 

24/7 Online-Klausuren

Early Bird oder Nachteule? Spielt keine Rolle: Leg Deine Klausuren einfach 24/7 online ab – egal wann, egal wo. 

Flexible Zeitmodelle

Neuer Job, Umzug, Familienglück? Wir bieten Dir flexible Zeitmodelle, die Du jederzeit wechseln kannst. 

Your personal contact

Our free student advisory service will gladly help you find your optimal study programme.  

Request free study brochure

What you get for free

  • Information on study content & electives

  • Information on career prospects

  • Information on financing options

Awards, accreditations and certifications