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Titelbild für Infoseite "duales Studium Finanzierung": Münze in Sparschwein
Dual studies

Dual studies - Financing & Costs

Scholarships, housing or child benefit and BAföG: We show you which financial aid you can apply for for your dual study programme!

To the online application
Private study for €0

Your practice partner pays your tuition fees.

15,000+ practice partners

Together with us you will find the right company.

No numerus clausus

We prefer to get to know you personally.

Your practice partner will cover your costs

Your practice partner will pay your tuition fees at IU in full. Depending on the industry and company in which you complete your practical phases, you will also receive a monthly salary. Would you like to know what costs your practice partner will cover for you? You can download an overview of the tuition fees here.

Download cost overview

Options for financing your dual study programme

Do you have the feeling that you still don't always have enough money for expenses such as food, clothes, books or activities with your fellow students? Don't worry: there are numerous ways in which you can raise the money for your dual study programme. We will introduce you to some of them and the conditions you need to fulfil.

Titelbild für Infoseite "duales studium bafoeg": Studentin lacht


Do you also receive BAföG during your dual study programme? Click here for an overview of the regulations and requirements. Find out how to apply for support and what conditions apply to you:

Dual studies BAföG
Hintergrund für Titelbild für Infoseite "duales Studium Kindergeld": Studentin lacht und schaut auf Handy

Child benefit

Under certain conditions, you are entitled to child benefit until you reach the age of 25. This means you can also receive this during your dual study programme. You can find out how this works here:

Dual studies child benefit
Hintergrund für Titelbild für Infoseite "duales Studium Wohngeld": Studentin schreibt in Buch

Housing benefit

Under certain conditions, you also have the chance to apply for additional support for rent payments. Find out here whether you are entitled to housing benefit!

Dual studies housing benefit
Titelbild für Infoseite "duales Studium Nebenjob": Studnetin lacht

Part-time job

Even if you are working full-time as a dual study programme student, you may combine your dual study programme with a part-time job. However, you must inform your practice partner about this. You can read about what else you need to consider here:

Dual studies Part-time job
Titelbild für Infoseite "duales Studium Steuererklärung": Tippen auf Laptop

Tax return

It's worth doing your tax return as a dual student: You can reclaim many expenses such as telephone, internet or the costs of moving house. Find out how to do this:

Dual studies tax return
Titelbild für Infoseiten "Duales Studium Deutschlandstipendium": lachende Studentin vor dem Laptop

German scholarship

With the Deutschlandstipendium, the federal government supports particularly talented and high-achieving students. Find out here which requirements apply so that you can be supported with €300 per month:

Dual studies german scholarship

Recruiting friends pays off

Would you like to share your enthusiasm for dual study programmes? Or do you have friends who would like to start a degree programme? Then recommend us to others! Your efforts will pay off: for every person who starts a degree programme with us on your recommendation, we'll give you €200!

More about the action

Further financing options


  • Student loans


  • Education funds

    Educational funds are offered by the private sector. The repayment conditions are agreed individually.


  • studieren.de

  • mystipendium.de


  • studienfinanzierung.de

  • wege-ins-studium.de

  • finanzcheck.de


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