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Titelbild für Infoseite "Alumni": kleine Gruppe von Alumni unterhält sich
Titelbild für Infoseite "Alumni": kleine Gruppe von Alumni unterhält sich
Around the world

Around the world Our alumni community

Alumni of IU International University of Applied Sciences can be found all around the globe in different countries, industries and cities, because career opportunities know no bounds! Benefit now from our worldwide network. 

It pays to pass the word on!

Do you have fond memories of your studies and would like to share them with friends and family? Then tell them about us and receive a bonus of 200€ for every successful recommendation

Successful together. Even stronger together.

Even after graduating from IU, support is not over. Graduates of IU International University of Applied Sciences can benefit from the constantly growing alumni community with over 14,000 professionals and establish or revive contacts with other alumni. Your own network of support, contacts and potential future career opportunities! Alumni Council, Regional Chapters or other networking opportunities will help you along the way.

Strengthening communication between alumni, students and IU and networking alumni of all study models and programmes - this is what our Alumni Council, elected by our graduates, and its members are committed to. Within the Regional Alumni Chapters, we network alumni locally together with our Regional Chapter Representatives. You can find more information here: 

Success stories

Our alumni report on their experiences in a wide range of industries and positions. 

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Alumni Council

The Alumni Council takes care of communication between alumni, students and IU. Anyone can join the Alumni Community and be elected as a member of the Alumni Council.

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Set of values

The central elements of our set of values are tolerance, support, fun and sociability, encouragement, community and belonging.  

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Regional Chapters

Here, too, it's all about networking and support: an overview of our current Regional Alumni Chapters with the respective Regional Chapter Representatives. 

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Alumni Award

Since 2020, IU has presented the Alumni Awards for exceptional alumni careers, entrepreneurial successes and digital education projects.  

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Become part of our alumni community now

By joining the Alumni Community at IU, you will benefit from a vast network of professionals in business and education.  

IU Connect - Your Alumni Network

You would like to exchange ideas with former fellow students and make new contacts with other alumni? Perfect! Simply register on our new alumni platform IU Connect and become part of the IU Alumni Community!

Alumni Plattform IU Connect

Your advantages:

  • Networking with other alumni: Find like-minded people and network with graduates who live in the same city or region, studied the same subject or work in the same industry.

  • Access to exclusive alumni and networking events.

  • Mentoring Matching Tool: Looking for a mentor or interested in becoming a mentor yourself? IU Connect will bring you together!

  • Updates on news about your alma mater IU International University.

Sounds exciting? Then register now at connect.iu.de

Alumni Newsletter - Stay Informed

Alumni Newsletter

Alle aktuellen Infos auf einen Blick

Would you like to be kept up to date about current offers, alumni events and news from the alumni and IU world?  

Then simply sign up for the IU Alumni Newsletter* via e-mail: alumni@iu.org 

* Our newsletter is published once a quarter

Alumni Discount - Profit Now!

Career paths are there to be explored. We will accompany you on this journey - with a Master's programme where you make the rules: 100% free, 100% flexible. As an IU graduate, you receive an exclusive study discount of 15% on our distance learning Master's and MBA programmes*.

This is how it works: Simply enter the code Koopalumni in your online application and get started! If you have any questions, our Student Advisory Service will be happy to help you at any time.

You will also receive a 10% discount on further training courses from our certified IU Academy with the discount code ALUMNIUPS10.

*The alumni discount cannot be combined with other discount campaigns and applies to Master's programmes with 60 ECTS or more.

Alumni Vorteile

Additional advantages: 

  • Study 100% online, without compulsory attendance - even while you are working 

  • Start anytime, no deadlines 

  • Either full or part time 

  • Large selection of programs from business & management, health & social affairs, IT & technology and human resources 

Does it sound exciting? For more information, call 030 311 988 00 or visit info-fernstudium@iu.org  

Young Potentials - Get in touch

Is your company looking for highly qualified employees? Our Career Office in Berlin will be happy to help. 

In addition, as a practice partner, you can recruit your specialists of tomorrow together with the IU dual studies and train them to fit your needs.  

Alumni Vorteile für junge Talente

Your advantages: 

  • Large selection of practice-oriented study programmes at the location of your choice 

  • Support in recruiting applicants 

  • Award-winning training quality 

Contact us now - by phone on 02224 123 061 21 or by e-mail to unternehmen@iubh.de

Sharing is caring: Share your knowledge

We're looking for people who want to share their expertise as a part-time writer, tutor, teacher, lecturer, or video tutor in a variety of disciplines. Perfect that as an Alumni you know exactly how the hare runs. Therefore: Would you like to join us as a freelancer?

Alumni Community

5 reasons why you can only profit from it:

1) With us, you can rethink education. Our mission is revolutionary and changes the whole life.
2) We offer you the greatest possible flexibility. You can carry out many activities completely from your home office and we trust you to organize yourself.
3) You are part of providing valuable education, a gift that people love to pass on.
4) As the world's best team, we support each other and help each other out.
5.) Anything but dusty: We stand for modern teaching in small courses.

Interested? Then contact us at academic-recruiting@iu.org. We are looking forward to meeting you!

IU Alumni or IU Alumni Partner?

We warmly invite you to join our network on IU Connect. Here, you can connect directly with us and other members of the IU community, build valuable relationships, and benefit from exciting networking opportunities.

If you have any questions about your time at IU, such as inquiries about important documents or certificates, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your student office.

What our alumni say

Zena Massaad

Zena Massad

Master of Business Administration

Campus Studies Berlin

Read success story
Marcel Adams

Marcel Adams

Bachelor of Arts International Management

Read success story
Stefanie Retzlaff

Stefanie Retzlaff

Bachelor of Arts Health Management

Read success story
Kilian Rau

Kilian Rau

Bachelor of Arts BWL - Real Estate Management

Read success story
Request free study brochure

What you get for free

  • Information on study content & electives

  • Information on career prospects

  • Information on financing options

Awards, accreditations and certifications

IU Internationale Hochschule ist seit 1999 eine staatlich anerkannte HochschuleIU Internationale Hochschule ist vom Wissenschaftsrat akkreditiertIU Internationale Hochschule ist zugelassen für FernunterrichtIU Internationale Hochschule erhält beim StudyCheck-Award 2023 die Auszeichnung „Top Hochschule in Deutschland“