Master-Distance Learning MBA - Digitale Transformation*
*Translated: MBA - Digital Transformation. Only available in German
Shape the digital transformation with an MBA online study programme that is essential for changing tomorrow's business world!
Start your MBA - Digital Transformation online study programme now
Digital infrastructures form the foundation for the business models and value chains of the future. The digital transformation also affects industry and business, in particular – at all levels of a company. The digital transformation not only affects IT systems, but also changes the entire workflow in the professional world. In our MBA online study programme, you will deepen your knowledge in this field and thus be ideally prepared for current and future challenges stemming from a central wave of social upheaval that is shaping all of our lives: professionally and privately. Are you ready to help progressively shape the digital world of tomorrow?
Study flexible
Learn innovatively
Your study programme summed up
Study programme & degree
MBA, 90 ECTS credits
Language: de
Full-time or part-time, 100% flexible
Application & starting date
Start from today, Online application, no application deadline
Study duration & extension
Study programme independent of time & place, no mandatory attendance, innovative study tools available on online-campus, AI study assistant Syntea, exams online or at nearest examination centre
Study fees
Starting at 408€/month, depending on model
Current discount campaign
Recognition & Approval
Study program is state-approved, accredited & internationally renowned, 90 ECTS - DE: AR-Siegel, ZFU: 153413c
Apply now and start your studies within a few hours – or choose any starting date that suits you. You can try us out for 1 month without commitment. We only charge you for this month if you continue with us.

Praxisbezug im Fernstudium MBA – Digitale Transformation
Diese Vertiefung beinhaltet zwei Projektkurse.
Projektkurs 1: Digitale Transformation
Hier lernst Du, den digitalen Status Quo eines Unternehmens zu bestimmen und daraus Maßnahmen sowie Empfehlungen für die weitere digitale Transformation abzuleiten. Des Weiteren erwirbst Du die nötigen Kompetenzen, um digitale Veränderungsprojekte durch die Integration hybrider Projektmanagementelemente zu planen und umzusetzen.
Projektkurs 2: Design Thinking
In diesem Projekt wirst Du in die Denkweise des Design Thinking eingeführt und vertiefst Dein Wissen. Du lernst die Inspirations-, Ideen- und Umsetzungsphase kennen sowie verstehen. Zudem bekommst Du die nötigen Tools an die Hand, um Designaufgaben zu evaluieren.
All our study programmes include the following services
Free trial month*
Opportunities to exchange with teachers and fellow students
Study and career coaching
Optional semester abroad
Online library with 60,000 E-books and access to Statista
Access to over 14,000 courses and 1,800 video tutorials via LinkedIn Learning
Access to MS Office and Speexx language courses
Eduroam internet access at over 20,000 locations worldwide
Holiday semesters and free extension for up to 12 months
Do you still have questions?
Our free student advisory service has all the answers for you! We take the time to advise you individually and without obligation.
Admission requirements
We make it possible: At IU International University you can start your desired study programme - without NC, state-recognised, with or without a general A-level!
Why IU is the best choice
Shape your studies your way
Plan your study routine however you like. You decide whether you prefer to study at night or during the day, at the library or in a cafe. You can even choose the start of your studies flexibly.
Easily organise your study routine
On your online campus, you're always up to speed. Here you organise your entire studies and find everything in one place – from digital scripts to an overview of your grades.
Deepen your knowledge individually
Deepen your knowledge interactively and suited to your learning style. With multimedia tools such as our AI study assistant, live sessions and learning sprints, you prepare better for your exams.
Take exams flexibly
Do you feel confident in the practice exam? Then sit your exam 24/7 online or at a location of your choice. In some courses, the final exam may be a workbook or portfolio.
Apply now and start your studies within a few hours – or choose any starting date that suits you. You can try us out for 1 month without commitment. We only charge you for this month if you continue with us.
Request free study brochure
What you get for free
Information on study content & electives
Information on career prospects
Information on financing options