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Study on exam nerves: facts, causes & tips

9 out of 10 have experienced exam nerves

Exam nerves are a phenomenon that 86.8 percent of people in Germany are familiar with. People experience exam nerves particularly at school or university, in job application situations or during vocational training. This is confirmed by the representative IU short study "Exam nerves. The facts."

The main reason for this is the fear of failure. Many respondents* cite excessive demands on themselves, worries about consequences, inadequate preparation and the reactions of others as the main reasons for their exam nerves. And that can have consequences! According to the IU short study, exam nerves cost many people time and money because, for example, exams have to be repeated, education is delayed or people do not achieve their desired qualifications or career goals.

This makes it all the more important to get help. However, only 14.1 percent of those surveyed* decide to do so. That's why we asked psychologist and psychotherapist Prof. Dr. Patrick Trotzke for advice. You can find the entire expert interview including tips for exam anxiety in our exam nerves study.

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* Respondents who have experienced exam nerves at school/university and/or during vocational training

Exam nerves: the facts


of respondents in Germany have experienced exam nerves.

Exaggerated expectations

is the main reason for test nerves*.

42,0 %

of respondents for whom exam nerves had an impact had incurred additional costs as a result of exam nerves (e.g. having to retake exams).*

41,0 %

of respondents for whom exam nerves had an impact did not complete a particular degree as a result.*

14,1 %

have already sought help to combat exam nerves*.

* Respondents who have experienced exam nerves at school/university and/or during vocational training

How does exam nerves develop - and what helps?

Many respondents* confirm that exam nerves are a fear of failure. The IU short study also shows whether and how those affected combat their exam nerves and what our expert recommends for combating exam nerves.

Top 3 reasons for exam anxiety

The reasons for exam nerves

Expecting too much of oneself and the fear of consequences are the most frequently cited causes of exam nerves. In other words, many respondents* get in their own way in exam situations with their worries and demands.

4 out of 10 respondents* also cite the feeling of not being adequately prepared for the exam as a reason for their anxiety.

**Excerpts from the answers to the question: „What are the key reasons for your nerves before an exam?“

Source: IU short study „Exam nerves. The facts.“

45.8 percent of those surveyed feel that their exam anxiety is not being taken seriously

Almost half of those surveyed* feel that their exam nerves are not taken seriously

Only 45.8 percent of respondents who had experienced exam nerves at school/university and/or during vocational training confirmed: I feel that my exam nerves are taken seriously.

**Answers to the question: „Do you feel that your exam nerves are taken seriously?“

Source: IU short study „Exam nerves. The facts.“

Those affected combat test anxiety primarily with the help of friends, family or psychotherapy

Ways out of exam nerves: Where people seek help

Only 14.1 percent of respondents* have already sought help to overcome their exam nerves: 53.4 percent of them from friends and family, 39.8 percent in psychological psychotherapy. Around a third seek(ed) help on the internet.

**Excerpts from the answers to the question: „Where and how did you seek help?“ (respondents who have sought help.)

Source: IU short study „Exam nerves. The facts.“

* Respondents who have experienced exam nerves at school/university and/or during vocational training

Prof. Dr. Patrick Trotzke, Professor für Psychologie an der IU

Overcome exam nerves: Tips from the expert

1. Prepare well and get the relevant information in good time.

2. Ensure efficient time management and a proper learning strategy.

3. Practice mental training and relaxation techniques.

Prof. Dr. Patrick Trotzke

Psychological psychotherapist and Professor of Psychology at IU International University of Applied Sciences

IU Kurzstudie zu Prüfungsangst

Exam nerves study with an expert interview and tips

Read all the study results and the expert interview now - in the IU short study on exam nerves.

View the study in PDF

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