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Learning with AI

How is artificial intelligence changing education and learning in Germany?

Since its release in autumn 2022, the AI bot ChatGPT has been the topic of public discussion. But do people in Germany use artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT - and if so, for what? Answers to this question are provided by the IU short study "Learning with AI. IUse of ChatGPT and the like for Learning.", for which a group of people in Germany, representative of different ages and genders, was asked in February 2023 about their experiences with artificial intelligence in everyday learning - and in general.

The short study shows: One quarter of the respondents have made experiences with AI bots like ChatGPT at the time of the survey. When asked about their trust in AI bots, many people are cautious: only 23.8 percent trust the answers of AI bots fully or to a large extent. Prof. Dr. Kamal Bhattacharya, Professor of Computer Science at IU, comments on the attitudes of the respondents towards AI bots in the short study - and takes a look at the future of AI in education.

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Learning with AI: the facts

24.8 %

have already used AI bots like ChatGPT, of which more than a third (34.9%) have used them for learning or studying.

29.5 %

of respondents who use AI bots for learning or studying use them to prepare for exams.

51.0 %

of the respondents could imagine working with an AI-based learning assistant over a longer period of time.
Prof. Dr. Kamal Bhattacharya, Professor für Informatik an der IU

ChatGPT is a universal tool - not a learning assistant

„ChatGPT has amazing abilities when it comes to finding consistent answers to problems in many fields, and it seems to know at least something about everything. But to some extent it is a universal tool, and not specialised in any one area. (...) Users learn in a variety of ways. And the learning assistants of the near future offer the possibility of personalising learning through dialogue.”

Prof. Dr. Kamal Bhattacharya

Professor of Computer Science and Pro-Rector, Research and Transfer, IU International University of Applied Sciences

AI bots like ChatGPT: usage, trust, concerns

What are AI bots used for? And how much do people actually trust the responses of AI bots like ChatGPT? Some insights into the representative results of the IU short study.

People use AI bots like ChatGPT for knowledge, fun and education

Of the 24.8 percent of respondents who use AI bots like ChatGPT, more than half use the tools to answer general questions. Almost as many use AI bots for fun - and over a third for learning or studying.

*Extracts from the answers to the question: "Why do you use or have used AI bots (e.g. ChatGPT)?" (only respondents who have used AI bots).

Source: IU short study "Learning with AI. Use of ChatGPT and the like for Learning."

Almost a quarter of respondents trust AI bots.

23.8 percent of those surveyed trust these tools completely or largely. Additionally: 26.3 percent of those surveyed cannot assess this. The short study also shows what specific concerns people have about AI bots.

*Answers to the question: "To what extent do you trust the accuracy of the responses given by AI bots (e.g. ChatGPT)?"

Source: IU short study "Learning with AI. Use of ChatGPT and the like for Learning."

IU Kurzstudie Lernen mit KI. Nur ein Hype. Oder die Zukunft?

Study on Learning with AI. Including expert statements

Opinions and perceptions of artificial intelligence, and a look at AI's place in everyday learning - now and in the future: read all the facts in the IU short study.

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