
ChatGPT and the like: users, benefits and influence of AI bots

Who uses AI bots like ChatGPT - and why?

Two-thirds of workers in Germany are familiar with AI technologies such as ChatGPT or Google Bard - and one-third have already used AI bots. Insights like these are provided by the IU study "ChatGPT and the like for personal use. How are AI bots being used? What impact are they having?". Around half of the respondents also state that they use AI bots primarily for fun, to pass the time, out of curiosity or to answer general questions; 36.5 per cent also use them for work.

Respondents who do not use AI, such as ChatGPT, mainly state that they do not need it in their everyday life or for work. How will this be in the future? What influence will AI technologies have on our private lives? Prof. Dr Kamal Bhattacharya, Professor of Computer Science at IU International University of Applied Sciences, is convinced: "Artificial intelligence (AI) will undoubtedly revolutionise and fundamentally change our private lives. From personalised recommendations to virtual assistants such as ChatGPT, AI will pervade our everyday lives. It will help us make decisions, filter information and communicate more efficiently" And how do the respondents view this? That is what the IU study shows.

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Use of ChatGPT and the like: the facts

35.4 %

of workers surveyed (representative of the German labour market) use AI technologies such as ChatGPT.

Generation Z

is the generation with the most users of AI technologies such as ChatGPT, at 59.2 per cent.

Fun, pastime, curiosity

are the main reasons why working people in Germany use AI bots like ChatGPT.

Advantages, opportunities, future? The impact of AI bots like ChatGPT on our lives

Users of ChatGPT and the like tend to be young - and use the AI bots mainly for fun. How significant is the influence of AI bots on the way we live and what we learn?

Influence of AI bots on personal life - now and in five years

AI bots like ChatGPT change our private lives

15.1 per cent of respondents* already see a great to very great influence of AI bots, like ChatGPT, on their private lives. And what about in five years? In response, almost half (46.1 per cent) expect a great to very great impact. Younger people estimate the influence to be greater than older people. You can find the evaluation by generation in the PDF of the IU study.

*Answers to the question: "What impact do you think technologies such as ChatGPT have / will have on your private life?"

Source: IU Study "ChatGPT and the like for personal use. How are AI bots being used? What impact are they having?"

IU study shows: Interest in AI courses is growing

Interest in AI degree programmes is growing

The publication of ChatGPT has increased the relevance of AI degree programmes - the IU study proves this: 37.3 per cent of respondents* (with interest in a degree programme or further education) are increasingly interested in an AI degree programme.

*Excerpt from responses to the question: "To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?" (Only respondents with interest in a degree or further education.)

Source: IU Study "ChatGPT and the like for personal use. How are AI bots being used? What impact are they having?"

ChatGPT provides a boost for AI studies

"In the coming years, AI will become a key factor for innovations in many industries. The opportunity to participate in the development and application of AI technologies is extremely attractive to prospective students. In addition, the demand for qualified, skilled workers in this area is high; therefore, AI study programmes offer excellent career prospects. The existence of ChatGPT has boosted interest in AI study programmes – as the results of the study show."

Prof. Dr Kamal Bhattacharya

Professor of Computer Science and Vice-Rector, Research and Transfer at IU International University of Applied Sciences

My life, my ChatGPT. Study on the use and influence of AI bots

What impact do AI technologies like ChatGPT have on our private lives? All the facts and expert comments in the IU study.

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