Titelbild Infoseite "Aufbaustudiengänge": Studentin und Student im Büro
Titelbild Infoseite "Aufbaustudiengänge": Studentin und Student im Büro

Top-up study programmes Fast tract to your Bachelor's degree

The Top-up study programmes at IU International University of Applied Sciences (IU) build on certain vocational trainings. If you have completed one of those trainings, your study time is reduced to just 3 semesters. Find out now if you can benefit from your vocational training! 

In which field have you completed vocational training?

Health & Social Affairs

Discover advanced degree programmes where you can benefit from your vocational training in healthcare, for example as a nurse or speech therapist

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Pedagogy & Psychology

Discover advanced degree programmes where you can benefit from your vocational training in the areas of education or psychology, for example as a special education teacher, kindergarten teacher, or social worker

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Business & Management

Discover advanced degree programmes where you can benefit from your vocational training in the commercial sector, for example, as an industrial clerk or bank clerk

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Architecture & Construction

Discover advanced degree programmes where you can benefit from your vocational training in the construction industry, for example as a real estate agent

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Top-up study programmes in Health & Social Affairs 

Do you thrive in your work in the healthcare sector and have already completed vocational training in this field, such as being a qualified nurse? Then one of the following advanced degree programmes might be a good fit for you. 

Titelbild für Infoseite “Bachelor Diätetik”: Ernährungsberaterin in einem Beratungsgespräch

B.Sc. Diätetik

  • This programmes focuses on dietetics

  • Required training: Diätassistent:in (dietician)

  • Job prospects: Step into responsible roles in interdisciplinary nutrition teams in clinics and rehabilitation centres, health insurance companies or specialised medical nutrition practices

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B.Sc. Ergotherapie 

  • This programme focuses on occupational therapy

  • Required training: Staatlich anerkannte:r Ergotherapeut:in (state-recognised occupational therapist)

  • Job prospects: Step into responsible roles in therapeutic settings such as hospitals, rehabilitation centres, outpatient therapy centres, or occupational therapy practices, as well as care or counselling institutions for children and adults

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B.Sc. Logopädie

  • This programme focuses on speech therapy

  • Required training: Staatlich anerkannte:r Logopäd:in (state-recognised speech therapist) 

  • Job prospects: Step into responsible roles in traditional fields such as rehabilitation clinics, outpatient therapy centres, or speech therapy practices, as well as care and learning institutions for children and adults, or with professional speakers 

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B.Sc. Pflege 

  • This programme focuses on nursing 

  • Required training: Pflegefachkraft (qualified nurse) 

  • Job prospects: Step into responsible roles in ward management or nursing sciences 

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B.Sc. Physiotherapie

  • This programme focuses on physiotherapy 

  • Required training: Staatlich anerkannte:r Physiotherapeut:in (state-recognised physiotherapist) 

  • Job prospects: Open your own practice or step into responsible roles in medical facilities 

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Top-up study programmes in Pedagogy & Psychology

Are you passionate about supporting individuals in their positive development and have already completed vocational training in this field, such as being a state-recognised educator? Then one of the following advanced degree programmes might be right for you. 

B.A. Heilpädagogik und Inklusion

  • This programme focuses on inclusive education 

  • Required training: Heilerziehungspfleger:in (special needs carer) 

  • Job prospects: Step into responsible roles in social or public institutions, such as educational staff member in organisations and companies, or staff member in facilities for disability assistance 

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Titelbild für Studiengangseite duales Studium Kindheitspädagogik: Pädagogin mit Kind in Schule

B.A. Kindheitspädagogik für Erzieher:innen

  • This programme focuses on early childhood education for kindergarten teachers

  • Required training: Staatlich anerkannte:r Erzieher:in (state-recognised educator)

  • Job prospects: Step into responsible roles in social or public institutions, such as a specialist in early childhood education facilities or a consultant in early childhood education

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B.A. Sozialpädagogik und Inklusion

  • This programme focuses on Social Pedagogy and Inclusion 

  • Required training: Staatlich anerkannte:r Erzieher:in (state-recognised kindergarten teacher)

  • Job prospects: Step into responsible roles in social or public institutions, such as a contact person for inclusion or an official for child protection or trauma pedagogy

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Top-up study programmes in Business & Management

Do you want to kickstart your career in the business world and have already completed vocational training in this field, such as being an industrial clerk? Then one of the following advanced degree programmes might be right for you. 

B.A. Betriebswirtschaftslehre - Industrial Management  

  • This programme focuses on business administration and industrial management 

  • Required training: Industriekaufmann:frau (industrial clerk) 

  • Job prospects: Step into responsible roles in medium-sized and large companies, such as administrative roles in the commercial sector of an industrial company, project manager, or executive assistant

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B.A. Betriebswirtschaftslehre - Office Management 

  • This programme focuses on business administration and office management 

  • Required training: Kaufmann:frau im Büromanagement (office management clerk)

  • Job prospects: Step into responsible roles in medium-sized and large companies, such as administrative roles in the commercial sector of a company, office manager, or executive assistant

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B.A. Finanzmanagement für Bankkaufleute 

  • This programme focuses on financial management for bank clerks 

  • Required training: Bankkaufmann:frau (bank clerk)

  • Job prospects: Step into lucrative roles in banks, insurance companies, fintech firms, and asset management companies 

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B.A. Public Management für Verwaltungsfachangestellte 

  • This programme focuses on public management for administrative specialists

  • Required training: Verwaltungsfachagestellte:r (administrative specialist)

  • Job prospects: Step into responsible roles within municipal, state, and federal administrations, as well as public law institutions or state-related agencies*

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*Note: The final decision on admission to the public service lies with the respective authority and depends on the requirements of the respective federal state. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you thoroughly inform yourself about the prerequisites for your desired career before starting your studies. 

Top-up study programmes in Architecture & Construction

Do you feel at home in the real estate industry and have completed vocational training as a real estate agent? Then this advanced degree programme might be the right fit for you. 

B.A. Immobilienmanagement für Immobilienkaufleute

  • This programme focuses on real estate management for real estate agents

  • Required training: Immobilienkaufmann:frau (real estate agent)

  • Job prospects: Step into diverse career fields such as real estate consulting, real estate appraisal, and project development

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Awards, accreditations and certifications

IU Internationale Hochschule ist seit 1999 eine staatlich anerkannte HochschuleIU Internationale Hochschule ist vom Wissenschaftsrat akkreditiertIU Internationale Hochschule ist zugelassen für FernunterrichtIU Internationale Hochschule erhält beim StudyCheck-Award 2023 die Auszeichnung „Top Hochschule in Deutschland“