Titelbild für Infoseite "Studieren mit Beeinträchtigung": Student arbeitet im Labor
Titelbild für Infoseite "Studieren mit Beeinträchtigung": Student arbeitet im Labor

Studying with disabilities

No health impairments or chronic illnesses should prevent you from realising your future dreams! Here you will find some tips for studying with impairments at IU International University of Applied Sciences. 

Open doors for all students: we see you!

There are various physical and health impairments that can make your studies more difficult. Among them are many that are not immediately noticeable to outsiders. According to a study by the DSW, two-thirds of disabilities at German universities remain unnoticed if students do not make them a topic of discussion themselves.

If you have a health impairment or chronic illness, there is the possibility of a disadvantage compensation.

Did you know …

According to the German Higher Education Framework Act, universities are obliged to ensure that students with an impairment are not disadvantaged in their studies. In addition, those affected should be able to make use of the university's services. They should be accessible without the help of others as far as possible (Chapter 1, Paragraph 2, Section 4, Sentence 2). This regulation is supplemented in the individual German states by the State law on universities and colleges, for example, on the waiving of long-term tuition fees.

Studying with impairments at the IU

Even with disabilities, you can achieve your career goals - and we will help you! At IU, you have many options for adapting your studies to suit you and your needs. These include, for example:

  • Choose the study format that suits you and your needs. This way, you can study completely barrier-free from home in Distance Learning.

  • Use the Online Campus and our communication tools to form study groups with other students so that you can pursue your goals together.

  • Design your studies according to your own rules. Make them as unique as your life! You can flexibly schedule both studying and writing your exams - no matter whether you are a night owl or an early bird.

Network with others who are affected!

Become part of our voluntary networking team: teachers and students work together to make IU International University of Applied Sciences an inclusive institution. You can simply write an email to the team.

We ensure inclusion

With us, everyone gets the chance to follow their own individual study path. Your success is what we aim for. No matter who you are or where you come from - at IU we support everyone in achieving their own personal and career goals.

Your contacts for getting started at IU:

Registrar's Office

Do you have questions about planning your studies? No problem! Our Registrar's Office and our Study Coaches are waiting to help you organise your studies.

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Examination Office

Find out what you are entitled to - and take advantage of this help! Our Examinations Office will advise you, for example, on your disadvantage compensation and how you can make use of it.

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Equal Opportunities Commissioner

Everyone should be able to study at IU. Our Equal Opportunities Commissioner ensures equal opportunities for all students at IU International University.

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Your personal contact

Our free student advisory service will gladly help you find your optimal study programme.  

Request free study brochure

Thank you for deciding to find out all about your study programme and IU International University of Applied Sciences. Request your study brochure here - free of charge and without obligation.

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