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Titelbild für Infoseite "Lifelong Learning": Studentin mit Smartphone und Tasse in den Händen lernt in der Küche
Titelbild für Infoseite "Lifelong Learning": Studentin mit Smartphone und Tasse in den Händen lernt in der Küche

Dein Weg zu nachhaltigem Erfolg: Your path to sustainable success: Lifelong learning

With lifelong learning in mind, at IU International University of Applied Sciences (IU) we are working towards making education accessible to everyone and making studying with us possible at every stage of life and on every individual life path.  

Lifelong learning as you want it

Our world is constantly changing, our future of tomorrow will soon be the future of yesterday. We need to relearn and evolve at ever shorter intervals, as a society and as individuals. At IU, we are working to develop an adult-oriented education system - every day. Whether you've just graduated from high school, already have work experience or have retired, a degree is always your surest way to get where you want to go. Whether you want to advance your career or simply further your education for the sake of knowledge - at IU you will find the ideal form of study for your individual situation.  

Ältere Frau lernt am Laptop

What does lifelong learning actually mean?

Lifelong learning is the term for permanent further education in adulthood. In the past, education referred quite conservatively to the school years and the time after that, to the training years. It was assumed that the educational process was completed after that. But you don't only learn during your studies, you will also go through a long path of learning and understanding in the course of your career. This not only fulfils your desire for more salary and security, but also enables you to achieve your dreams and goals. Because there really are no limits to them. 

Your education, your advantages

Given that the global knowledge base doubles every four years and the so-called half-life of knowledge is only a few years, it is not only important for you personally to continue your education, but also essential for your successful career path. Especially in times of digitalisation and globalisation.  

With lifelong learning and continuous further education, you can secure your future and shape it exactly according to your ideas. 

You can adapt your professional qualification to the economic structural change and technical progress. 

You ensure professional mobility and increase your chances of promotion, and of course your salary increases as well. 

Studentin lernt mit Tablet in Bibliothek

Human capital is your capital

You can ensure all this by choosing to study at IU International University of Applied Sciences. We support you in your education and your path, however you choose to follow it. In a trend study on "Online International Learning", participants stated that studying online on demand was the perfect way to increase their financial security and prosperity. This was also the biggest motivation for the majority of participants, along with other reasons such as personal development, gaining life experience or training to start their own business.

Your path to success: it can also be fun

Not only financial reasons, but personal reasons as well can make the decision for (further) studies easier. 

At IU, you benefit from a large network and the entire online community. You can meet like-minded people via our online campus to make valuable study contacts or start study groups. You can also use our partner network (15,000 companies from business, tourism, health & industry and institutions) and our social media channels to make valuable contacts for your future and expand your network beyond Germany.  

Learning doesn't always have to be boring or exhausting

Lerngruppe mit 4 Studierenden

Exchange ideas

Get support with content-related questions (either via live consultation hours with your lecturers or in study groups with your fellow students).

Studentin lernt Zuhause mit Laptop am Schreibtisch

Create an optimal learning environment

Bright, comfortable and quiet - open your windows regularly and ventilate the room, create enough storage space on your desk and use tidy office equipment to best support your learning process through external factors. 

Studentin lernt am Laptop mit Kleinkind auf dem Schoß

Self-organisation is the key

Choose a time management method and apply it to your learning (such as the Pomodoro Method, the ALPEN Method or the Eisenhower Matrix). In this way, you create the ideal conditions for your successful learning progress.  

Why lifelong learning is so important for you and what your studies at IU have to do with it

Top salary increase

More than 60% of our graduates can expect up to 20% higher salaries after graduating from IU. Studying with us pays off: With your further professional qualification, you not only have better job prospects, but also the prospect of a significantly higher salary.

Fantastic career opportunities

A degree opens up completely new possibilities and options for you: You get optimal promotion and career opportunities with your educational upgrade. One of our trend studies shows that a large proportion of our students take on more management responsibility after successfully graduating from IU, and naturally climb the career ladder accordingly.

A future without limits

Are you ready to set out on your career path and shape your future the way you and only you envision it? With Lifelong Learning, you can realise big projects and reinvent yourself in the jobs of the future. With your studies at IU, you have the chance to make yourself professionally fit and to reposition yourself professionally. So that your dreams don't just remain dreams, but become reality. And we will support you in the process.
Request free study brochure

What you get for free

  • Information on study content & electives

  • Information on career prospects

  • Information on financing options

Do you still have questions?

Our free student advisory service has all the answers for you! We take the time to advise you individually and without obligation.

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