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Titelbild für Infoseite "Lehrkonzepte und Methoden": Studentin mit Büchern in der Hand in der Bibliothek
Titelbild für Infoseite "Lehrkonzepte und Methoden": Studentin mit Büchern in der Hand in der Bibliothek

Teaching concepts and methods Teaching as you want. Learn how you want.

At IU International University of Applied Sciences (IU) we support you in the learning process. We place great emphasis on interactivity and excellent online teaching - with lecturers who bring years of expertise to the table. Our digital tools accompany you on your individual path and make your learning process as easy as possible.    

Learn. Your way.

Everyone is different - we all differ in the way we live, learn and work. That's what makes us different. That's why we make sure that our teaching concepts and methods are as diverse as our students. 

At IU, we also follow the concept of Lifelong Learning. It doesn't matter how old you are or what degrees you already have in your pocket, how much work experience you have or where you come from. Education is something you can acquire throughout your life and that's what we live for here at IU! 

At IU, we make sure that everyone finds their way around individually and that the programme adapts to each student. Are you an absolute night owl and your concentration is best in the evening? Or maybe you're at your fittest and your brain at its most powerful in the early hours of the morning? No problem: The flexibility of our online courses on our learning platform myCampus and your AI-supported study assistant Syntea give you all the freedom you could wish for in your studies.

Junge Studentin lernt mit Kopfhörern und Laptop im Wohnzimmer auf dem Boden

Made for you: flexibility and diversity

The future is digital - not only in general, but also specifically the future of learning and teaching. When you study at IU, you benefit from innovative teaching concepts and learning tools such as the online campus, digital scripts, learning videos, interactive quizzes and online exams. Depending on the type of study, you have different options at your disposal, which you can access at any time and from anywhere in the world.  

When, where and how you want: your tools for success

With the help of various possibilities to study for your degree, nothing stands in the way of your success. Whether it's work, family or other projects - with the digital tools at IU, it's easy to study on the side. These include, among others: 

Networking platforms & live consultation hours

Exchange ideas with other students, arrange to study together and get valuable input for your courses. You also have the opportunity to ask your teachers in selected courses questions about content, exams or other matters via live consultation hours.

Interactive teaching events

In these events, you can deepen your knowledge live under the guidance of experienced lecturers and then directly clarify open questions or interact with the rest of the course. To ensure that they are also compatible with your working life, the events take place in the evenings.

Learning sprints (Intensive teaching units)

In just four weeks, we will get you ready for your exam. Together with other students, you work through your study script in fast forward mode and solve tasks in group work. During these intensive learning units, you will be ideally prepared for your learning success. In addition, there are live tutorials in certain modules and "Tasks of the Day" that you have to solve“.


A question catalogue to help you prepare for your exams. In selected courses, you benefit from the transfer tasks of a revision course, which challenge you with different levels of difficulty and are optimally structured in an application-oriented way. Here, too, your teachers are always there to answer your questions.

Learning videos

In our learning videos, your teachers explain terms, formulas, case studies or theories from your script in detail and with the help of a presentation, through which they guide you digitally. This increases your learning success and presents the course content clearly.

Digital study scripts

The material of your course is presented to you in a structured way in several lessons and teaching cycles. You can work through the study script in PDF format or as an innovative e-book version at your own pace and take digital notes. After each lesson, you can take an interactive self-test to check whether you have internalised all the information.

Online-Campus myCampus

You can organise everything related to your studies on your online campus: course registration, exam booking, grade overview. It's easy to keep track of everything. As a learning platform, myCampus also offers you your online library, versatile learning tools and various opportunities to network with students or teachers.

MS Office Packet and LinkedIn Learning

When you enrol at IU, you will receive a free MS Office package. You also get access to over 14,000 courses and 1,800 video tutorials from LinkedIn Learning. So that your learning success is made even easier!

Syntea, your personal study assistant

We have developed our own study AI for you: Syntea is your personal study assistant that helps you do even better in your studies. At any time of the day, you can ask questions about the script – and receive answers that have been verified by our faculty members. It can even help you test your knowledge so you can go into your exam with confidence.

24/7 Online Exams

Depending on when your optimal time for an exam is (morning, afternoon, evening or maybe even night), you can book your preferred time online and take the exam 24/7. You can choose to take the exam at the time that suits you best and when you feel as focused as possible.

Online library

In IU online library, you can research literature from the comfort of your own home and, in some cases, read it directly as an e-book. With the online library, you can easily organise your learning progress digitally.

The tools may vary depending on the type of study you are doing. You can get information about this from the student advisory service for distance learning, myStudies or dual studies.

Request free study brochure

What you get for free

  • Information on study content & electives

  • Information on career prospects

  • Information on financing options

Do you still have questions?

Our free student advisory service has all the answers for you! We take the time to advise you individually and without obligation.

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