Titelbild für Infoseite “Gendersensible und inklusive Sprache ”: Team arbeitet im Büro
Titelbild für Infoseite “Gendersensible und inklusive Sprache ”: Team arbeitet im Büro

Diversity & Equality

A culture of everyone, by everyone 

No matter who you are, everyone is equal here.

IU International University of Applied Sciences is growing continuously, and the number of students, partners, teachers and administrative staff keeps going up. All the more, IU International University of Applied Sciences sees itself as a continuously changing social entity that wants to enable constructive and beneficial cooperation for all in research, teaching and administration. Furthermore, IU International University of Applied Sciences is aware of the impact it has on society through the education of learners as well as direct interactions with society.   

Here, everyone's voice is heard and our culture is built on the pillars of diversity, inclusion and belonging. Our university is heterogeneous. We deal with diversity in an open and appreciative manner.  

IU International University of Applied Sciences resolutely opposes discrimination of any kind. We stand up for equal opportunities in our studies and at the university in general because we want to make education without borders accessible to everyone. 

Titelbild für Infoseite “Beratung zu Diversity und Gleichstellung”: Beraterin steht vor dem Schreibtisch

Counselling & Guidance

Important contacts for those seeking help at IU University of Applied Sciences and support options. 

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Our mission

Diversity management: How we get involved and what drives us to actively implement the principle of equal treatment. 

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Titelbild für Infoseite “Gendersensible und inklusive Sprache ”: Team arbeitet im Büro

What does it actually mean…?

Gender-sensitive and inclusive language

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IU Equality Concept 2023-2027

For the IU, promoting diversity among the university's students and employees means not only increasing the number of female students or professors and lecturers, but also addressing the needs of people with disabilities or other underrepresented groups and, if necessary, taking appropriate measures. Equal opportunities are understood as a cross-sectional task and are taken into account in all projects of the university. The present concept was approved and adopted by the university management on 02.12.2022 for a period of five years after extensive consultations.

View IU Equality Concept (PDF)

Studying worldwide & being cosmopolitan - that goes hand in hand

This is where we would like to position ourselves as a university: In favour of cosmopolitanism, diversity and democracy. IU International University, based in Thuringia, supports the #thueringenweltoffen initiative.

Our initiatives and networks

We work not only at the university itself, but also in initiatives and networks to ensure that equality and diversity are integrated at colleges and universities and, of course, in businesses. The first examples are the signing of the Diversity Charter and the founding membership in the Employers for Equality programme. They exemplify equality and diversity at IU University of Applied Sciences.

The following list offers a first impression of the initiatives. This page will be regularly expanded to include networks for people who would like to get personally involved and network with other interested parties.

Charter of Diversity - We are proud to be part of it!

Since 2019, we have been part of a nationwide movement and the largest network for diversity management in Germany.

We show the great importance that diversity has within IU and actually institutionalise what we really live. The idea of diversity is and has been part of our organisation and shapes our work and study culture. It has already been proven that diversity promotes innovation, and it is precisely innovation and creative solutions that are at the heart of the Career Partner Group. Promoting diversity also helps us, among other things, to keep developing further.

IU's equality office
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Awards, accreditations and certifications

IU Internationale Hochschule ist seit 1999 eine staatlich anerkannte HochschuleIU Internationale Hochschule ist vom Wissenschaftsrat akkreditiertIU Internationale Hochschule ist zugelassen für FernunterrichtIU Internationale Hochschule erhält beim StudyCheck-Award 2023 die Auszeichnung „Top Hochschule in Deutschland“