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Titelbild für Infoseite "Wer kann an der IU studieren": Gruppe Studierende beim Lernen
Titelbild für Infoseite "Wer kann an der IU studieren": Gruppe Studierende beim Lernen

Who can study at IU?

High school graduates, professionals, Bachelor's graduates and people with a thirst for knowledge of all kinds - at IU International University of Applied Sciences, everyone can find the perfect course of study! Kickstart your career now: Whenever you want. Wherever you want. Even without an Abitur.

Your life. Your career. Your studies.

A degree programme that adapts to your rules. That’s exactly what you’ll find at IU – Germany's most renowned private university*!

What matters here is your personal motivation to investin your own professional future. There are only a few steps left until you reach the starting line:
On your marks, get set, start your studies!

(*among 18-24-year-olds, Source: Forsa, Sep 2023)

You too can study at IU!

Whether you have a school leaving certificate, professional qualifications or a bachelor's degree: At IU International University of Applied Sciences, you will find the study programme to take your career to the next level. That's how you'll go quickly from a prospective student to a professional!

Titelbild Infoseite "Infos für Abiturienten": Abiturientin sitz am Schreibtisch

High school graduates

You have the choice: gap year, vocational training… or the start of your dream studies! As a high school graduate, you can start at IU at any time. Choose exactly what best suits you from a wide range of subjects in a distance learning or a dual studies programme. Without an NC. Full-time or part-time. According to your own rules.

Bachelor-Studentin macht sich Notizen im Hörsaal


Do you want to climb new career levels? With our flexible distance learning programme, you can balance your job, private life and further education. Thanks to your professional qualifications, you can get started even without a secondary scool leaving certificate - and have your previous career successes credited towards your studies.

Master-Studentin sitzt mit Unterlagen in der Bibliothek

Bachelor's degree graduates

Get ready for management! If you want to build on your Bachelor’s degree, IU has a wide variety of flexible Master’s distance learning programmes ready for you. You’ll only take your exams when you feel ready - 24/7 online or on campus.

Titelbild zur Infoseite "Studium und Ausbildung": Zwei Studierende sitzen draußen am Campus

Trained specialists

Have you completed your vocational training and want to increase your career opportunities with an academic degree? Then find out now how you can maximise the benefits of your previous achievements at IU. Recognising previous achievements can reduce the length of your studies by up to 50% and save you money. Find out everything you need to know about studies & vocational training.

Find the perfect programme to achieve your goals!

Need a little help choosing the right degree programme? Then simply answer a few short questions about your interests, your daily routine and, of course, your future aspirations - and the IU Study Finder will tell you which degree programme suits you best. A perfect match!

Find the right form of study for you!

Do you prefer digital learning or a lot of practical experience? The choice of the ideal form of study for you depends, among other things, on your personal learning preferences and your other life circumstances. And of course, last but not least, your career goals - you can achieve them with our distance learning, dual studies or MyStudium programmes!

Our forms of study

Why us? Here’s why!

Our goal is to accompany you on your way to success so that you can start a new career future.

We are many!

Over 130,000 students are already successfully reaching for their dream careers with us. And you can become one of them!

We are flexible!

Every student is different. That's why your studies are tailored to you and your needs.

We are international!

Our students come from all over the world. Study from anywhere - wherever and whenever you want.

Your speciality

Coding software, teaching children or managing companies - what does your professional future look like? At IU International University of Applied Sciences, you can choose from a wide range of career prospects. Your dream degree programme is already waiting for you.

Architecture & Construction

You want to create something great? With IU's bachelor's degree programmes in "Architecture & Construction," you'll have a strong foundation.

To the study programmes

Design & Media

Creativity can be learned. The IU bachelor's degree programmes in Design and Media are perfect for your career in the creative sector. 

To the study programmes

Health & social affairs

Put your social skills to good use.  With the IU Bachelor's degree programmes in the field of "Health and Social Affairs".

To the study programmes

IT & technology

Look forward to a technologically sophisticated career. With the IU Bachelor's degree programmes in "IT and Technology" you will systematically reach your goal.

To the study programmes

Marketing & Communication

Thinking strategically and acting creatively? The IU bachelor's degree programmes in "Marketing and Communication" are ideal for this.

To the study programmes

Pedagogy & Psychology

Actively shape the future of our society. The IU Bachelor's degree programmes in “Pedagogy & Psychology" make it possible. 

To the study programmes
Bachelorstudiengänge im Bereich Personal und Recht: HR-Managerin im Büro

Human resources & law

Become a human resources manager or legal expert. With the IU Bachelor's programmes in "Human Resources and Law" anything is possible.

To the study programmes
Bachelorstudiengänge im Bereich Tourismus und Hospitality: Hotelmitarbeiterin arbeitet am Tablet

Tourism & Hospitality

Never boring: The IU Bachelor's programmes in "Hospitality, Tourism and Event" bring diversity into your professional life.

To the study programmes

Business & Management

Whether it's marketing, accounting or human resources: IU's bachelor's degree programmes in "Business and Management" will give you a head start in your career. 

To the study programmes
Masterstudiengänge im Bereich Architektur und Bau:  Student arbeitet an einem Bau-Modell

Architecture & Construction

Put yourself in position. With IU's master's degree programmes in "Architecture and Construction," you'll build up your management responsibilities. 

To the study programmes
Masterstudiengänge im Bereich Gesundheit und Soziales: Studentin arbeitet im Labor

Health & social affairs

Become a social leader. With the master's degree programmes in "Health & Social Services", the focus is on people.

To the study programmes
Masterstudiengänge im Bereich IT und Technik: Student arbeitet mit Headset am Computer

IT & technology

Make even better use of your passion for technology. With the IU master's degree programmes in "IT & Technology" you are programmed for success. 

To the study programmes
Masterstudiengänge im Bereich Marketing und Kommunikation: Studentin arbeitet in Agentur

Marketing & Communication

Qualify yourself as a communicator in a leading position. The master's degree programmes in "Marketing and Communication" make it possible. 

To the study programmes
MBA-Studiengänge: Masterstudentin vor einem Whiteboard


Put yourself in the lead. The MBA programmes qualify you for management positions in your specific field.

To the study programmes
Masterstudiengänge im Bereich Pädagogik und Psychologie: Masterstudentin mit Laptop unterwegs zum Campus

Pedagogy & Psychology

You want to be a responsible leader? Then you're in good hands with the IU master's degree programmes in "Education & Psychology".

To the study programmes
Masterstudiengänge im Bereich Personal und Recht: Personalerin arbeitet am Schreibtisch

Human resources & law

Bring yourself into the game. With the IU Master's programmes in "Human Resources and Law" you are the joker for future business success. 

To the study programmes
Masterstudiengänge im Bereich Wirtschaft und Management: Studentin lernt mit Laptop in Bibliothek

Business & Management

Become the manager of your own career. The master's degree programmes in "Business and Management" bring you into position. 

To the study programmes

Questions and answers about your studies

After all this new information, you still have a few questions? No problem! Here are a few of the most frequently asked questions by our prospective students. And of course, the answers to them.

Your unanswered questions: We can help!

Don’t worry if you have unanswered questions. Our Student Advisory Service is here to help you: Do you want to know more about financing your studies? About your own enrolment process? About possible scholarships? We have the answers you need.

Student success stories: You can do it too!

Nothing is impossible: At IU, each and every one of us is important. That’s why our degree programmes adapt to your needs, not the other way around. Our own alumni can confirm that through their stories, in which they tell how they mastered their studies.


Health Psychology

If there's a will, there's also a way to take a few minutes of your time or to really go full throttle for three days. I'm also really grateful that IU is so flexible. A normal in-person study programme or a distance study programme, as offered by other universities, would be out of the question for me.


Social Work

In addition to my job for Caritas, where I maintain the emergency operation of the station mission at Augsburg's main railway station together with my colleagues from the Diakonie, I am in my sixth semester of studies. I'm grateful for the high degree of flexibility in my studies, especially when it comes to online exams: I can even take my exam in the middle of the night when I feel ready.


Human Resource Management

An obvious advantage is, of course, the freedom to organise my time: I was able to work full-time, plan my emigration and a wedding abroad, and learn a new language - all while studying. Also, distance learning can be perfectly integrated into my everyday life with learning Italian, working and a bit of household chores.

Ready for your dream degree? Then request some information material now!

With your studies at IU International University of Applied Sciences, you can turn your career dreams into reality. Are you already in the starting blocks? Then request your information material herefree of charge and without obligation.

Request free study brochure

What you get for free

  • Information on study content & electives

  • Information on career prospects

  • Information on financing options

Your personal contact

Our free student advisory service will gladly help you find your optimal study programme.  

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Studying without Abitur

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