Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Tianxiang Lu, SFHEA
Professur für DevOps und Cloud Computing, Studiengangsleitung M.Sc. DevOps and Cloud Computing, M.Sc. DevOps and Cloud Computing Management
Formal analysis of algorithms (blockchain, quantum, homomorph, neuromorph, ……)
Aritificial Intelligence (explainable machine learning, neural networks, automated reasoning)
Cyber Security (data protection, digital forensics, pen test, AI guardrails)
IU Forschungsprojekt RRiL (Automated Reasoning for Law)
Publikationen und Vorträge
Founder of the Facebook group:
Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
Member of Max Planck Alumni Association: CoNE - Lu, Tianxiang
Member of INRIA Alumni: Team members – VeriDis: Verification of Distributed Systems
Member of IEEE, Computer Society
Member of BCS, The British Chartered Institute for IT
Member of The Chartered Management Institute (CMI)
Member of GCI (Association of Chinese Academics of Computer Science in Germany)
Member of VCAF (Association of Chinese academics of Finance in Germany)
Member of over 100 software / service provider communities
Member of Universität des Saarlandes Alumni
Member of Université de Lorraine Alumni